From October, 1999 to December 2002, I was a PhD student working on the conception of a plasma process for automotive pollution control (NOx and VOC). This study was conduced within a research program regrouping car industry (PSA Peugeot-Citroën and RENAULT), University and CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research). My research activities occured in Reactional Mechanism Laboratory of the Ecole Polytechnique from October, 1999 to June, 2000 and in Plasma Process Engineering & Surface Treatment Laboratory until December, 2003.

My work relied on:
- the conception and the realisation of an atmospheric pressure plasma reactor
- the characerisation of its physical and chemical properties with various analytical technics (numerical oscilloscope, gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, gas analyzer)
- the determination of the mechanisms of the chemical reactions using isotopic labeling
- the modelling of the general behaviour of the reactor depending on various experimental parameters

The Research Program of the GIE - PSA Peugeot Citroën - RENAULT - ECODEV - PREDIT was awarded by the Great Prize of the Carrefour du PREDIT (June 13th, 2001 - Topic : Environment and Mobility) by the French Industry Ministry



International papers :

1- Experimental and simulation study of NOx removal with a DBD wire-cylinder reactor, A. Vincent, F. Daou, E. Santirso, M. Moscosa & J. Amouroux
E-MRS Symposium G : TPP 7 (Orator : A. Vincent), Strasbourg, June 18-21, 2002
Progress in Plasma Processing of Materials 2003, pp.661-669, Begell House edition

This paper was awarded by a publication in the Journal of High Temperature Material Processes (JHTMP):

Limoges, the 3rd November 2003

CONCERNING PAPER : Expermiental and simulation study of NOx removal with a DBD wire-cylinder reactor by A. Vinvent, F. Daou, E. Santirso, M. Moscosa and J. Amouroux

Your paper published in the proceedings of TPP7 has been choosen by the editorial committee as an excellent paper which is worth to be published in J.H.T.M.P. (Journal of High Temperature Material Processes, An International Journal). Thus we are pleased to announce you that your paper is in the second issue of J.H.T.M.P. 2003. (Volume 7, Issue 2, 2003) pp. 267-275.

Yours sincerely.

Editors of Journal of High Temp. Material Processes

2- Removal of NOx from simulated exhaust gas in DBD reactors - Understanding of the reactional mechanisms by isotopic labeling, F. Daou, A. Vincent & J. Amouroux
E-MRS Symposium G : TPP 7 (poster session), Strasbourg, June 18-21, 2002
Progress in Plasma Processing of Materials 2003, pp.671-679, Begell House edition

3- Point and multipoint to plane barrier discharge process for removal of NOx from engine exhaust gases - Understanding of the reactional mechanism by isotopic labeling, F. Daou, A. Vincent, E. Francke, S. Cavvadias & J. Amouroux
Plasma Chem. & Plasma Proc., (2003), vol.23, n°2, pp.309-325

4- Characterization of the chemical behavior of a DBD wire-cylinder reactor for NOx removal - Determination of reactional pathways by isotopic labeling, A. Vincent, F. Daou & J. Amouroux
High Temp. Material Processes (2002) vol.6, n°2, pp.167-180,4126bf546913163c.html

5- Electrical characterization of DBD wire-cylinder reactor: influence of operating parameters and by-products analysis, A. Vincent, F. Daou, S. Robert, E. Francke, S. Cavadias & J. Amouroux
Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (poster session), Vol. 7 (2001), 3141-3147

6- Removal of nitric oxide by point to plane and multipoint to plane DBD in exhaust vehicle gases, F. Daou, A. Vincent, S. Robert, E. Francke, S. Cavadias & J. Amouroux
Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (poster session), Vol. 7 (2001), pp. 3023-3029

7- Isotopic GC/MS study to identify the mechanism of acetaldehyde decomposition in a dielectric barrier discharge, S. Robert, A. Vincent, F. Daou, E. Francke, S. Cavadias, M.F. Gonnord, J. Amouroux
Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (orator : J. Amouroux), 2001


Papers and talks gaven within the GIE - PSA Peugeot Citroën - RENAULT - ECODEV - PREDIT program:

1- Mise au point et utilisation de réacteurs plasma type DBD au traitement des NOx dans un mélange gazeux simulant un échappement automobile, A. Vincent (orator), F. Daou, E. Franke, S. Cavadias, M-F. Gonnord, J. Amouroux - 30 avril 2002, CORIA, Rouen

2- Conception et caractérisation d'un réacteur DBD de dépollution des gaz des échappements automobiles à mélange pauvre. (Configuration pointe/plan et multipointes/plan), F. Daou (orator), A. Vincent, S. Robert, E. Franke, S. Cavadias, J. Amouroux - 30 avril 2002, CORIA, Rouen

3- Influence de différents paramètres physiques sur le comportement électrique et sur l'efficacité d'un réacteur fil-cylindre adapté au traitement des NOx - Détermination des mécanismes réactionnels par substitution isotopique avec 18O, A. Vincent (orator), F. Daou, E. Franke, S. Cavadias, M-F. Gonnord, J. Amouroux - 06 septembre 2001, Supelec

4- Optimisation du réacteur Fil-Cylindre avec le mélange industriel - Analyse des composés carbonés issus de la décharge par GC-MS - Analyse des NOx et du CO par analyseur de gaz, A. Vincent (orator), F. Daou, S. Robert, E. Franke, S. Cavadias, M-F. Gonnord, J. Amouroux - 07 février 2001, Supelec

5- Identification des produits de décomposition du mélange gazeux industriel chauffé et hydraté. Etude de l'évolution des NOx en fonction de la puissance de la décharge et du diélectrique, F. Daou (orator), A. Vincent, S. Robert, E. Franke, S. Cavadias, J. Amouroux - 07 février 2001, Supelec

6- Mise en place et caractérisation d'un réacteur de type fil-cylindre, analyse par GC-MS des produits de décharge du mélange industriel avec 10% d'eau et à température de 150°C, A. Vincent (orator), F. Daou, S. Robert, E. Franke, S. Cavadias, M-F. Gonnord, J. Amouroux - 24 octobre 2000, Supelec

7- Identification des produits issus du traitement par une décharge impulsionnelle du mélange gazeux industriel chauffé et hydraté. Etude de l'évolution des RNOx en fonction des gaz traités et du diélectrique, F. Daou (orator), A. Vincent, S. Robert, E. Franke, S. Cavadias, J. Amouroux - 24 octobre 2000, Supelec

8- Rôle de l'oxygène marqué 18O dans l'identification des mécanismes réactionnels, S. Robert (orator), F. Daou, A. Vincent, E. Franke, S. Cavadias, J. Amouroux - 24 octobre 2000, Supelec

9- Développement d'un protocole analytique pour la qualification du procédé plasma, A. Vincent (orator), S. Robert, F. Daou, M-F. Gonnord, J. Amouroux, S. Cavadias, E. Franke - 28 mars 2000, Ecole Polytechnique



PhD abstract
Manuscript summary (in French)
PhD manuscript (in French - 6Mo)
Images of the plasma reactor